Our Story
The Jade L Roberts Project is in honour of our founders beautiful daughter Jade who sadly died by suicide age 26.
Jade had anxiety and depression for many years and was never referred to a mental health service.
Jade was beautiful inside and out. She constantly worried about other people and there problems. Her family truly believe that this was Jades way of hiding how she was really feeling.
Jade was caring, considerate and had the most beautiful smile.
We truly believe that suicide is preventable.
All the team at the project are trained in the ASIST(Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training). This training is suicide first aid. The more people trained in the ASIST the more lives can be saved to suicide.
At the project we provide life saving interventions to keep people safe from suicide.
Education is key:
How to start a conversation about suicide
Provide life-saving interventions skills
To deliver ASIST (Applied suicide intervention skills training) to organisations.
We believe through collaboration we can achieve more together than we could ever do individually
In the future we will be delivering the ASIST training

Our Mission
Our mission is to support people who are in crisis.
Our purpose
Our purpose is to prevent suicide.
Our Aim
Our aim is to provide education and intervention.
Our Vision
To offer help within the community to those identified at risk of suicide.